Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Exceptionally Deep Reflection (2)

So things are getting weird in "Sophie's World". Like seriously, messed up. This girl, Hilde, is now becoming a main focus in the story. Impossible things have started to happen (the mirror winking, Hermes telling Sophie "Happy Birthday!", etc.), and Albert Knag is beginning to seem more and more like a god.

So what's the explanation for all this? I'm honestly not sure, but I like the idea of parallel realities. So far, that seems to be the only thing that makes sense. Maybe Sophie is Hilde in a different reality? Could there be some way that Albert Knag's communication with Sophie and Alberto is just a father trying to get into contact with his estranged daughter?

OR (this is where things get crazy):

Maybe Albert Knag is god. Or at least, the god of Sophie and Alberto's reality. Referencing Descartes and his theories of doubt, could Albert Knag be the Evil Genius of the world?

Only time will tell.

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